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Important Updates for the Winter Quarter 2021

December 7, 2020

Dear FIDM Students,

As we continue through the fall quarter, our students, staff, and faculty have rallied together to bring their positive energy and creativity to remote and online classes. The FIDM Community has been supportive of one another and worked to make this challenging time a positive, transformative experience for all of us, whether in the virtual classroom or via online student activities.

We were hopeful that we would be able to expand instruction during the winter quarter to include more in-person classes, but given the continued spread of COVID-19, and in line with strict county public health mandates, we must maintain a reduced population and limit person-to-person contact on campus. We will continue the plans we put in place for the fall, offering remote and online-only instruction with the exception of a limited number of in-person or hybrid courses. Please review our Winter 2021 FAQ for more details.

For international students, we will be reaching out to you to offer further guidance on travel, visas, and enrollment as soon as we receive sufficient information from the federal government on winter visa rules.

For students, staff, and faculty who will be on campus this winter quarter, infection control measures and protocols previously outlined will remain in place.

We will keep you updated on future changes to county public health directives that may allow us greater flexibility in bringing students back to campus.

Until then, let’s continue to remain united and more determined than ever to make our work meaningful as we spark creativity and positive change in the world around us.


The FIDM Board of Administration

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