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It's A Lucky World With Jewelry Design Grad Ally Kleinman

It's A Lucky World With Jewelry Design Grad Ally Kleinman

Since graduation, Jewelry Design Grad Ally Kleinman has used her creative skills to pursue a career as Assistant Jewelry Designer at Lucky Brand. In her craft, she designs seasonal collections for their outlets and retail stores. We were able to sit down with Kleinman and see what she's up to in the "Lucky" world. 

 1. How did FIDM prepare you for your career?
“In so many ways. I have the technical skills from the CAD classes here. The Career Center was really great helping me. I got my job offer off the FIDM Portal. All of my classes, even art history gave me drawing inspiration. The Sample Case class was instrumental for me because putting together a whole portfolio that looked cohesive and professional helped me get a job.”
2. What advice would you give to FIDM Students about success in the jewelry industry?
“Definitely take any opportunity you can to interview for a job even if it’s something you’re not interested in, because I didn’t know from mine that it was with Lucky Brand. I just followed the vague posting, then I found out eventually it was Lucky Brand.”
3. What is the proudest moment of your career?
“One of my favorites was my first collection that went to stores. We work about a year ahead, so I was working a while before I had jewelry in stores. There was an ear crawler that the merchants were hesitant about because it was edgy for our brand, and it became one of the top five sellers the first week out, so I was really excited.”
4. What is it like working at Lucky Brand?
“It’s great! We have a new building in the Arts District and can walk to get coffee or ride bikes. I love my boss and am lucky to have such a great team. We are best friends and it's a great working environment.”
5. What is your creative process like?
“The Director of Jewelry Design comes up with a concept for each collection that we produce, so she’ll make a board with inspirational ideas/images. It’s my job to translate that to what the collection will look like - mapping out how many necklaces we’ll need, long styles, short styles, soft bracelets, cuff bracelets - and how it translates into a whole collection.”
Take the first steps to pursuing a career in Jewelry Design like Kleinman by joining our program

Categories:  Jewelry Design Alumni