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Motion Pictures Costumer Johauna Mani Styles Actress Francia Raisa

Motion Pictures Costumer Johauna Mani Styles Actress Francia Raisa

As a Visual Communications student, Johauna Mani interned for stylist Rachel Zoe and FIDM Alumna Mandi Line, costume designer on hit TV series the Pretty Little Liars. Johauna is now a member of the Motion Pictures Costumers union IATSE Local 705 and recently styled actress Francia Raisa and musical artist Katie Welch. We caught up with her to find out more.

Tell us about styling Francia Raisa and Katie Welch: It was so much fun! They are both close friends of mine so working on projects with them was amazing. For Francia we did a photo shoot where we were trying to show off who she really is. Then she had a charity event that I styled her for. With Katie Welch’s visual album we did three videos in three weekends—it was insane. Luckily Katie has some amazing friends. Everyone who worked on the album were friends of ours, all in different parts of the industry and we all wanted to collectively create something. There was a lot of on set costume fixes and a dress didn’t get delivered in time so we had to find a replacement, a bloody knee that almost ruined a skirt, but we all solved every challenge we faced and we made an amazing album for our dear friend. (All the people in the videos are our friends, too!)

Tell us about getting into the union, IATSE Local 705: I was very fortunate to work for a TV show for four years with a crew who is a family. On our last season they helped get me into the union. Now that I’m a member, I can do all union projects. Getting jobs is still somewhat difficult—it’s all about the people you know and have worked with. People who have worked in the industry for awhile get called to get recommendations of people for their project, they then refer you for the job. Or if you work with a designer really well they can take you with them on all their projects. Another way to get jobs is that as a union member you report if you are available or not at the beginning of each month and are placed on the availability list which can be accessed by a designer or supervisor looking for a costumer.

What's in your styling kit? Lint rollers, safety pins, mini sewing kits, sweat pads, buttons, Topstick adhesive (lots of Topstick!), scissors, Tide pens, Shout wipes, binder clips, and deodorant remover. I also have a kit of accessories and staple pieces that I keep for any kind of situation.

Any upcoming projects? Right now I am working on my style blog—I am turning my Instagram @iamjmani into a fashion inspiration page. My goal is to show obtainable, realistic, and relatable styles from a real girl in real situations taken during my everyday life. All the style bloggers I follow (who are amazing—don’t get me wrong), I get inspired by them but it’s all the ideal. I can’t afford a $3000 Chanel bag or $1200 YSL pants, but it doesn’t mean I will look any less fashion forward if I don’t wear that. It’s all about how to pair things and what pieces you save for.

Any advice for current FIDM Students who want to pursue styling? Network network network! Don’t let your pride or ego get in your way. You will have to do grunt work like getting lunch and running errands—all to work your way up. Trust me it’s all worth it!

What is your biggest goal right now? My biggest goal is my fashion blog! I truly want to inspire people who are like me!

Categories:  Visual Communication Alumni