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What MPD Alumna Alexandra Soto Looks For in an Intern

What MPD Alumna Alexandra Soto Looks For in an Intern

Alexandra Soto graduated in June 2016 with her degree in Merchandise Product Development and is now the Assistant Production Manager at Popular Basics, headquartered in Los Angeles. She is currently looking for an intern. We caught up with her to find out more.

What are you looking for in an intern? It sounds simple, but I think that being prepared and organized are key—having a resume that outlines skills very relevant to the position you're applying for and making it clear that you put time and effort into an application. Once you're in the door, I think it's important to have initiative, always put your best work forward, and be personable so that others really enjoy working with you.

Any advice for current FIDM Students? My biggest piece of advice would be to take every class, job, and opportunity you have seriously. It's very likely you'll see your fellow students, coworkers, etc. down the road and it's always helpful when you've already made a great impression on them. Good luck to all of the current FIDM students and alumni! There are a lot of possibilities out there and navigating your way through them is such an adventure. Go for it when there's an opportunity you're interested in and always try to support others in doing the same. 

Tell us about your path to FIDM: I made the move to Los Angeles from Colorado Springs, CO back in 2014. I had completed a year studying Visual Communications at a four year university, but found myself craving something a little more hands-on. After a lot of research, I decided to pursue a degree at FIDM and I started classes on my 21st birthday. It was quite a ride, especially the quarters that required balancing classes, internships, and working retail. Through my time at FIDM and since graduating, I've been so grateful for opportunities that have popped up including a PD internship at RVCA, an Assistant Operations Manager role at LF Stores, and my current role in Production at Popular Basics. 

Tell us about the roles you've had since you started at Popular Basics: I started at Popular Basics as a Showroom Assistant Intern and about two months later, a Sales Coordinator opportunity popped up. I took it without hesitation and planned my last quarter of classes around a full-time work schedule. Working in our showroom and with buyers was invaluable—it was so interesting to see how buying varied from company to company and receive direct feedback on our product. About a year and a half later, I realized that I missed using the skills/knowledge learned while studying PD, and eventually made the transition into our production department. As Assistant Production Manager, I issue purchase orders for fabrics and trims, create cutting orders that are sent to our overseas vendors, and help our Production Manager coordinate all elements needed for quality, completed garments to make it back to LA and ultimately into our customers' stores. 

How do you feel FIDM prepared you for what you are doing now? My education in textiles, garment construction, sourcing, and retail math has helped me in every position I've been in. In addition to that, FIDM has provided me with a great network. I still keep up with many classmates—it's a pleasure to watch how their careers are unfolding and cheer them on.

What is your biggest goal right now? My biggest goal is learning as much as possible in my current position. I'm still relatively new in our production team, and there always seems to be room for improvement in terms of problem-solving, making a process more efficient, or bettering a product. 

Follow Popular Basics on Instagram @popularbasics.

Categories:  Merchandise Product Development Los Angeles Campus Alumni