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A Conversation With DEBUT Designer Tomy Huang (English and Chinese)

Recent Advanced Fashion Design Graduate Tomy Huang is originally from Beijing, China, but says he loves living, working, and studying in California. Learn more about this International Student's exciting time at FIDM.

How did you choose to study at FIDM?

My mother’s friend recommended FIDM for me. She said FIDM is the biggest and famous fashion school in California. When I first time came to this school and chatted with my advisor, she told me they have an Advanced Study Program for Fashion Design with 10 to 12 students who create their own collection and show at FIDM’s DEBUT. 

我是通过我妈妈的朋友介绍才知道FIDM的。在我第一次去学校面试的时候,他们看了我的作品集,然后告诉我他们有一个高级课程。这个课程是通过学校的面试,最后选择10-12个学生。这些选入的学生用9个月时间准备一个系列,最后在每年的三月会有一次专门的走秀来展示自己的系列,我是因为这个课程才来到的FIDM。在今年的3月31号,我刚刚完成了我的系列,并且在DEBUT 秀上展示了自己的作品。

Where did you study/work before FIDM?
I graduated from ESMOD (Beijing) 5 years ago with a fashion design degree. After graduation, I was hired as a pattern making and sewing instructor by ESMOD Beijing Branch, meanwhile, I also worked as a pattern maker for NE·TIGER, which is a top luxury couture brand in China for 4 years. In addition, I also worked for some companies as creative designer and product director at the same time.


What do you like the most about FIDM? 
I learned a lot in my general course, which made my English skills better and better. Also, I learnt a lot of knowledge about fashion history, textile science, critical thinking, and some history about America. My successful story is I took seven classes in one quarter, which is really hard for international student.


How do you think FIDM will prepare your career in the future?
I think FIDM provided me with a really good platform to show my design work via the DEBUT show. Through this platform, I met lots of friends who can really help me in LA’s fashion field. More and more people know my design work and my talent.


Anything else you’d like to add?
My suggestion for other students is enjoy the studying process and try to learn more from school. Because the time goes really fast, and there are so many courses you need to take in a really short time. Also, I suggest to meet more foreign students at FIDM, because you will learn about different cultures from these students and share with each other. It can also improve your English skills very fast.


What’s your plan now that you have graduated?
I plan to start my business now. I want to design a new collection and am looking for a chance to sell it or show my collection at Fashion Week. At the time, I also can do some freelance about design and pattern-making jobs.


Categories:  Alumni International