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Guest Speaker Gregg Garcia Shares Six Skills Employers Seek

Gregg Garcia recently visited FIDM with interview advice for the students in the Premier Merchandise Product Development Group. He covered six skills employers seek when hiring in a disruptive environment for supply chain, product development, and merchandising careers. 

Gregg currently works in human resources and recruitment, and has worked for companies including VANS, Quiksilver, Asics, Gap, and MyDyer. He’s also a graduate of FIDM and the former Director of the FIDM Career Center.

6 Skills Employers Seek When Hiring in a Disruptive Environment 

1. Communication and presentation, including excellent writing skills. 
2. The ability to build and maintain relationships. 
3. Adaptability. 
4. Being resourceful. 
5. Having a strong work ethic. 
6. Emotional intelligence. 

Categories:  Merchandise Product Development Merchandising & Marketing