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Grad Makes Custom Masks For Big Imagination Group

Grad Makes Custom Masks For Big Imagination Group

Big Imagination Group, a marketing and social impact agency, hired Fashion Design Alumna Lauren Lai to create 58 custom masks for a client. Lauren, a Freelance Designer and the Design/Production Coordinator at Hale Bob, came across the opportunity on the FIDM Career Network. We recently chatted with the L.A.-based grad about her path to FIDM and how she’s staying inspired during COVID-19.

Where were you born and raised? I was born in China and moved to San Jose, California when I was 13. 

What was your path to FIDM? A college rep from FIDM visited my high school and spoke to my art class about the exciting opportunities at FIDM. I was drawn to a chance of learning from real industry professionals and going to a school that provides strong career services. I started my application process a week later and the rest is history!

How did Big Imagination Group come to reach out to you? I found the company on FIDM Career Network and received a phone call within hours of applying.

What did your assignment entail? They wanted a solid black cotton mask with the word "glam" across top and a company logo underneath. Due to the self-quarantine guidelines, it was difficult to acquire all the necessary supplies and we had to work through different options to find the most efficient way to complete this project. 

How are you staying personally inspired during this difficult time? I know it's easy to look at everything we've lost during this time (loved ones, financial security, freedom, social needs, etc.), but I choose to look at the positives. In a way, I am lucky. I'm a healthy young adult with no underlying health issues; I have savings I can dip into. I do not have a job that I need to be in public for, risking my own life every day. I am grateful for what I have and I try to help those around me so we can all make it through this difficult time.

What is your freelance work typically like? It’s usually on the computer, making technical flats or Photoshopping images, but I have shifted gears to mask making during this pandemic to make a bigger impact.

Anything else you'd like to share? A thousand thanks to everyone who is still working every day – health care professionals, store workers, public safety officers, etc. Stay safe and positive! 

Categories:  Fashion Design Alumni