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Seychelles Designer and Alumna Miranda Selwyn Bishop Gives Back To Footwear Design Students

Seychelles Designer and Alumna Gives Back To Footwear Students

Not only does Miranda Selwyn Bishop have two degrees from FIDM—Fashion Design and Advanced Footwear Design—she is also a graduate of UCLA. She met a guest speaker during her first semester in the Footwear Design Program that set the course for her career. That person was Sari Ratsula, the President of Seychelles. Miranda has been designing at Seychelles for 15 years now and recently helped host a very special day for our Footwear Design students at the Seychelles headquarters in Los Angeles. This is her industry story.

Tell us how you initially met Seychelles President Sari Ratsula: I met Sari Ratsula during my first semester in the Footwear Program when she visited my footwear marketing class as a guest speaker. My teacher at the time had been a colleague of hers from Vans—and coincidentally, it was a course that Sari would end up teaching a few years later. I had one of those moments that people tell you about when you meet your husband! I just knew that I was supposed to know her and really resonated with what she had to say. I wrote her a thank you note and within a few months she contacted me about an internship. That’s where our story began!

What you do at Seychelles: I started out as an intern and never looked back—that was 15 years ago and now I’m Senior Designer. As you can imagine, I have worn many hats. I do everything from creative design and tech packs to merchandising, extensive market research and reporting, to trend and sales presentations and working with the production team as we prepare to deliver the product to the marketplace. I love that every single day is different, that this job has taken me all over the world and that I’ve learned so much.  

What do you like most about your job? One of my favorite things about my job is our incredible team. What a collection of great people! We have a special bond, much like a family.  We really help each other and have each other’s backs. It’s a joy to spend so much time with these people and I feel lucky about that every single day. The size of Seychelles, as a relatively small company also allows for a lot of exposure to different parts of the business and working hand in hand with many different departments which always keeps things different and interesting.

Why is now a good time to get into the footwear industry? Our industry is really changing at lightning speed and I think it’s a good time to jump in and be a part of inventing where that goes.  An open mind and a fresh perspective is always a great thing for a company to hire into. Don’t forget how much of an asset that is to a company, respectfully of course.

Tell us a little about your background: I grew up in a Los Angeles fashion industry family and to be honest the last thing I wanted to do was work in fashion. My family had mostly been involved in apparel and I think that’s what initially turned me off, since I found apparel could be limiting to upholding one beauty ideal. I felt strongly about inclusivity and empowerment and it was important to me that my work align with my values and beliefs. However, after a few years working out in the world, I realized that I was too creative and energetic to do anything else. I decided to focus on accessories because I loved that they were empowering and accessible to all sizes. I loved that a handbag could solve problems for women and that different footwear could make them feel prepared for the day in different ways. A pair of boots could make you feel powerful, heels made you feel sexy and sneakers made you feel unstoppable, etc. I couldn’t find an accessories program that felt right, so I decided to get my degree in Fashion Design at FIDM and see where the skills took me. During my second year in the Fashion Program, I came across the Advanced Footwear Program and the stars aligned.

Why FIDM? I already had a Bachelor’s degree from UCLA and I found FIDM’s Professional Development program was the perfect fit to complement my prior education and experience. I didn’t want to (and couldn’t afford to) start from scratch. FIDM is great about honoring an older student who wants to build on their education and skills. Also, I liked the school’s relationships with actual industry professionals, including the faculty. And that part obviously served me very well!

Any advice for current FIDM Students? This is a small industry, so be polite and mind your manners. I got my current job because I wrote a thank you note. You never know how someone you meet can change your life, so make a good impression. Always be genuine and kind. Take responsibility when you make a mistake. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, however, consider the timing of asking them.  

What is your biggest goal right now? My biggest goal as a designer is to provide footwear that empowers our customer, allowing her to feel powerful and present in her life. Comfort is a big part of that and we focus on that a lot, which is super rare at our price point. The bottom line is that you can’t be powerful if your feet hurt and we want to be more than shoes to our Seychelles and BC women!

Categories:  Fashion Design Footwear Design & Development Alumni