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Grad and Illustrator Chloe White Creates Humorous Badges as a Way to Connect

Graphic Design Graduate Chloe White is a designer and an illustrator based in Burlington, Vermont. After running her own business for two years, she recently took a full-time design position. As a student, she was the Art Director of FIDM MODE, a fashion, beauty, and lifestyle magazine produced by FIDM Students. We caught up with her to find out how she’s staying inspired during these unprecedented times.

Tell us a little about yourself and your work: A graduate from the Graphic Design program at FIDM, I’m a graphic designer and illustrator. Right out of school I worked as the designer for a traveling women’s conference, and I recently started another full-time job after running my own freelance design business for two years. My work focuses often on illustration and lettering, and I love creating work that uses bold colors!
What are you doing to stay inspired during these challenging times? Honestly, I’ve been getting really inspired by the fact that we can literally all relate to the same situation right now. I’ve been making a lot of badges and designs that use humor as a way to connect. Laughing is a great way to get through most things. 
How are you showing up for your community, your career, and yourself and loved ones right now? Thankfully, I’m part of an awesome team and we are continuing to work from home right now, I feel very grateful to be working! Like I said, I had worked for myself for a long time so working from home was a pretty easy transition for me. I live with my fiancé, but I’ve been staying connected with friends and family by using video as a means for things we would normally do in person. For example, my friends and I had a virtual brunch this weekend and I had coffee with my brother through video this morning! I think it’s just important to do things right now that serve your best interest, get outside for some fresh air if you can, and be gentle with yourself because this is a really tough time. 
What brands are inspiring you right now, in terms of their response to the needs of the world during this pandemic? I would say I’m really impressed by all the local businesses where I am. Global brands will survive this, but the mom and pop restaurants and coffee shops are having a harder time. I live in the small town of Burlington, Vermont, and so many of the businesses I frequent have done an amazing job pivoting to serve the community in the best way they can. I’ve been trying to donate where I can, and order out etc. as a way to support them.
What are your current career goals and how has FIDM been part of that? I accomplished so much that I’m proud of in the few years after I left FIDM. FIDM programs are really intensive, and so I think that prepared me for what I was going to get into in the real world and I was able to handle challenges and think on my feet after graduating. I’ve gotten to work with amazing people and brands that I’m really excited to have on my roster, but in this season of life I’m happy where I’m at. I’d really love to have my own product line one day, but I’ve learned to appreciate the process and to not rush into things. Balance is important to be able to put out your best work. 
Any advice for someone considering going to FIDM? If you want to be around passionate, artistic people everyday and work hard for your goals, then FIDM is the right place.

Keep up with Chloe White at thechloewhite.com and on Instagram @chloececiliacreative @chloececilia.

Categories:  Graphic Design Alumni