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Mel Grayson

Instructor Was Costume Designer, Wardrobe Stylist, and Interior Designer

Instructor Mel Grayson has had an amazing 40 plus year career in the Fashion and Interior Design industry. As a Costume Designer, Wardrobe Stylist, and Interior Designer, he's worked with an incredible number of film, television, and music celebrities from the inimitable Eartha Kitt to the cast of '80s television favorite A Different World. Currently Mel helps designers take their lines to the next level by advising them on merchandising and creative business practices. "I utilize all the skills and knowledge I've acquired and blend it into my teaching,' he explained. Mel also manages the interior vignettes for Loft Appeal Marketplace at the L.A. Mart, which features antiques, collectibles, and even robots in their ultra-creative room settings, and he does set design for theatrical performances in Los Angeles.

What is a favorite class project? 
“It's definitely my Dead Designer Bio project. It gets the students to delve down and find out about the real people who originally created the ideas and concepts that today's designers are utilizing to produce contemporary fashion. The students are required to give a visual/oral presentation and it's always an eye opening experience to see them blown away by the drive, dedication, and ingenuity of the past-without computers!”

What's your favorite thing about teaching?
“I love teaching at FIDM because the atmosphere of learning is, for me, intoxicating. I'm paid to do homework; the teaching is free. I love it! And I think that love translates to my students. They know I care and want them to have the skill and dedication to succeed.”

What is your approach to teaching?
“It's what I call ‘all in’–I'm 1000% committed to give each student all the knowledge I can over the 10-11 weeks of a class. I talk a lot, and in my class my motto is: ‘The only stupid question to ask is the one you don't ask me. Ask anything.’ If I don't know, which I usually do; I'll get the answer for you.”

Mel Grayson is an Outstanding Faculty Award Winner, an award given by the student body to outstanding faculty members.

Please Note: The information contained herein was confirmed at the time of original publication.

Categories:  Apparel Industry Management Faculty