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Annabelle Lee Hired at Premium Denim Brand Current Elliott

Annabelle Lee Hired at Premium Denim Brand Current Elliott

Annabelle Lee graduated with her Merchandise Product Development degree in 2015 and is now an Associate Denim Designer at Current Elliott.

Tell us a little about yourself: Pursuing fashion as my career path wasn't always on my agenda. Albeit, I grew up immersed in art—my mother's background in painting, violin, ballet, and fashion design heavily influenced my interests and the way I chose to spend my downtime. But I frivolously assumed it was just that, a hobby. I didn't put much weight into what fine arts could provide me as a career choice. Instead, I had graduated UC Irvine with an English major with aspirations to become a criminal law attorney. With LSAT scores set and law school applications prepared, I had a short stint at a firm during which I realized the life of a lawyer was not the one I wanted to live. After looping through various administrative and human resources jobs at Red Bull and a television production company in West Hollywood, I found myself back in the arms of art and fashion once more. This time I had a definitive path to amalgamate both my passion in fine arts and necessity for survival. That path was undoubtedly applying to FIDM.

Tell us about your position at Current Elliott: I worked in the denim segment in the past and quickly learned to love the vast characteristics and timeless beauty of it. Now that I'm an Associate Denim Designer for Current / Elliott, I'm exposed to technologically advanced fabrics and trim, deciphering the subtleties of deviating washes and influencing trends rather than following them.

How did you find out about the opportunity? I gave my full efforts to do well in my classes at FIDM. The fruits of my labor were reflected in my GPA, which afforded me entrance into the Premier Product Development Group and earned me the notice of my professor who connected me with Current / Elliott. 

Tell us how your network of FIDM contacts has helped you in your career: I believe wholeheartedly that I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am now without my career counselors and professors at FIDM. Every counselor or professor that I've reached out to has responded without missing a beat, even replying to a simple, 'Hi, how have you been?'

Why did you choose FIDM? There was no other choice but FIDM for me. I had friends enrolled in FIDM at around the same time I attended UC Irvine and they're all still doing well for themselves. I knew FIDM would prove to be fruitful.

How do you feel FIDM prepared you for what you are doing now? Apart from the huge quantity of information that flowed from classes, my main takeaway was the hard skills that I utilize on a daily basis at work. Learning how to use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop are skills that never go out of style. *cue the comedic punchline drum sound effect*

Any advice for current FIDM Students? My biggest and sole advice for current FIDM students is to give your 100% realness to your projects, peers, and professors. If you work hard, and in this industry you are going to have to work hard, then good people will take notice. But working hard doesn't mean that you trample over others and compromise your morals—just be a good human and be willing to get your hands dirty; you'll be successful on your own merits and righteousness. And achieving your goals whilst staying in your own lane feels better than anything else.

What is your biggest goal right now? I have much more to experience and tackle in this industry, and in this specific segment of fashion. The learning is endless with constant new fabrics, fibers, and eco-friendly production technology that goes against the stigma of fashion and shows the world that design is smart & consciousness is a battle worth fighting for.

Anything else you’d like to share? Life and career is bound to make you feel deflated at times, but never forget, it's just fashion. At the end of it all, we only have each other, so put that first.

Categories:  Merchandise Product Development Alumni