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Nickelodeon Accepts Lenzi Hudson for Internship

Nickelodeon Accepts Lenzi Hudson for Internship

Lenzi Hudson is studying Merchandising & Marketing and is currently interning at Nickelodeon in their wardrobe/talent department. We caught up with her to find out more.

Tell us about your Nickelodeon internship: I get to assist and gain hands-on experience in fittings and photoshoots with the talent. I’ve learned so much about organization, working in fast-paced environments, and communication. I’ve met so many talented and inspiring people that I’ll be able to network with for the rest of my career.
Tell us a little about yourself: I was born and raised in Colorado. I enjoy creating mood boards, binge-watching documentaries, and spending time with my friends and family. I’m infatuated with all forms of art and aesthetics and plan on traveling the world to learn more about different cultures and lifestyles.
Why FIDM? Once I stepped foot into FIDM I knew it was going to be my new home. I love how intimate the environment is and how close you get with all of your classmates. I chose Merchandise and Marketing because I knew a background of the business side of fashion would benefit me in the industry. Ultimately I want to have my own business, so being able to understand trends and the buying process, as well as create an entire business plan will be critical to my success.
What are your career goals and how is FIDM helping you get there? I am going to be a creative director, whether it’s for a brand or a music video director. I also want to have my own business. I love storytelling, graphic design, and creating aesthetics. FIDM is helping me achieve this goal by placing me on the right path, by helping me find internships and job opportunities. Alex Bruzzese is the best Career Advisor ever, and I appreciate all of her help.
Anything else you’d like to share? Three things that I’ve learned since I moved to Los Angeles: 1) Say “yes” to every opportunity—you never know who you’re going to meet or where this opportunity could take you. 2) Surround yourself with people who have the same mindset and goals as you. It will help everyone keep each other motivated. 3) Brand yourself, whether you have a portfolio, business cards, or just use your Instagram. It’s important to have something to show your work, as well as get people to remember you.

Categories:  Merchandising & Marketing Los Angeles Campus Student

Apr 19, 2018
