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Spencer Nuzzi

Spencer Nuzzi

Pro skater Spencer Nuzzi was raised in New Jersey and moved to California where he toured with Tony Hawk. Interested in the fashion side of the action sports world, he decided to study Merchandise & Marketing at FIDM to learn about the industry, inside and out.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Ever since I was 9, I was lucky enough to find my passion in skateboarding. It taught me life lessons such as practice and patience. As I grew older I moved from New Jersey to California and found myself touring with Tony Hawk. I was able to skateboard and gain tons of experience by touring through the country.

As long as I can remember the look of the skateboarder was just as important to me as skating itself. Being exposed to the skate industry led me to different aspects of the skateboard industry. I found myself at tradeshows more and more being focused on the fashion side more than the skateboard side. The industry took me in a new direction and FIDM is the best place to learn it.

What are your proudest accomplishments so far? Growing up, my biggest accomplishment in the skateboarding world was being able to travel with Tony Hawk. Now my proudest accomplishment is being accepted into FIDM and pursuing my new career path in Merchandise Marketing.

What made FIDM right for you? Everything! FIDM's programs, resources, and amazing staff made the school right for me.

Describe your entrance project. My entry project included a writing up a plan for my consumer. I was able to select the type of consumer, type of store, and type of product sold in the store. I decided to make a men's collection that was targeted to the young adult. I created 5 different outfits that covered work and casual looks and I was able to show my ideas and outfits in a slideshow as if I were showing my collection to a buyer.

What do you expect to learn at FIDM? I expect FIDM to educate me in all the aspects of Merchandise Marketing and show me all of the possible career options in my major.

Please Note: The information contained herein was confirmed at the time of original publication.

Categories:  Merchandising & Marketing Student

Apr 19, 2018
