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Instructor Featured in U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Campaign

Instructor Featured in U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Campaign

Patternmaker Angela Fuentes inspires the next generation

After receiving a BFA in Fashion Design from Art Institute of California, Angela Fuentes became a Flat Pattern Maker, Illustrator, and Production Manager for fashion brands. In 2012, she co-founded FortyTwentyAM and shares more than a decade of industry experience with FIDM Students. She was recently chosen by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation as one of five women to appear in their #LightaSparkCampagin, which encourages girls to pursue their STEM interests. 

Angela Fuentes is an Outstanding Faculty Award Winner, an award given by the student body to outstanding faculty members.

Please Note: The information contained herein was confirmed at the time of original publication.

Categories:  Fashion Design Faculty