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Halston Brings Student Jazz Cole Back for Second Internship

As Jazz Cole prepares to graduate this December with her Bachelor’s Degree in Apparel Technical Design, she returned to Halston to gain experience in their technical design department for her second internship at the international company. Last year, their HR department recruited her for an internship in apparel design. We caught up with the talented student to find out more.

Tell us about your internship at Halston: I've been a technical design intern for the past five weeks at Halston Operating Company LLC. I'm supervised by the director of technical design, but I work directly with the assistant technical designer. A lot of my responsibilities involve measuring garments, filing spec sheets, clearing out the fit room so that sample sale items are prepped for send out. I've been able to sit in on handover meetings between the design department and technical design which is when the designers tell the technical designers how the tech pack should be made, what materials they're using, going over garment construction details, and other related information is discussed. Primarily, I usually am asking questions and observing.

How did you find out about the opportunity? Last year, Halston’s HR department visited the FIDM Career Center and recruited me to intern in their apparel design department. I spent 10 weeks there and learned a lot about what I did and didn't like about design. I HATED sourcing, I didn't like having to call people asking for materials, then get disappointed if they didn't have what they needed, and having to continue searching. This was around my first quarter in my bachelor's program, but since I'm currently in my fifth quarter preparing for graduation this December, I needed an academic internship. I ended up calling around to some places I'd previously worked for and Halston said they had no problem letting me come back and work in a different department. So, when I started my first week, I practically knew where everyone's office was, as well as the office supply closet; I felt like I actually worked there.

How is what you're studying at FIDM helping you at the internship? Having the knowledge about pattern making, tech packs, fit, and design in general has allowed my supervisors to not have to explain certain things to me. I know how to make a tech pack, so they don't have to explain to me how to do one, I can just do it. They don't have to explain what BOMs (bill of materials), POMs (points of measure), TOPs (top of production) are because I already know, so they give me a task and I just do it. I ask questions if there's something I'm not sure of, but for the most part, when they tell me to do something, I generally know how to do it.

What's it like to intern there? Everyone is very nice; the assistant technical designer was my old RA before I graduated with my A.A. in Fashion Design last year prior to entering into the B.S. in Apparel Technical Design program. The office is all one floor and I sit in a cubicle area with both the assistant tech designers. Time manages to go by really fast when I'm there since I'm only there for 4 hours twice a week.

Any FIDM colleagues there? The assistant tech designer was my RA who graduated from Merchandise Product Development. Also, Halston offers quarterly internship programs for FIDM students.

What is your biggest goal right now? I want to be either a technical designer or a production manager as I'm entering into the industry. I love activewear and I would love to start a brand around my love of physical fitness and well-being. I'm really passionate about encouraging people to live their best life by activating and motivating people to do what they love since I've been so blessed to do what I love.

Jazz Cole is fluent in French and practices yoga. Follow her on Instagram @jctheyogi and Twitter @actandmot.

Categories:  Apparel Technical Design Alumni Industry Partnerships Student