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Advisory Council

Career Opportunities

Career Development goes hand-in-hand with curriculum

Our Career Center has cultivated a database of thousands of employer contacts nationwide with the singular goal of providing industry-related internships and employment opportunities for our students and alumni.

Costume Designer

Tell the story. Design and select all costumes worn in the production and collaborate with the creative team to achieve the overall look. The Costume Designer finds the best solutions to tell the story and define the characters while staying on budget.

Costume Supervisor

Lead the team. Work with the Costume Designer on the script breakdown, purchases, rentals, returns, and budget. Oversee the day-to-day work of the Costume Department and crew and manage the budget.

Assistant Costume Designer

Learn from the best. Collaborate with the Costume Designer on creative development and color palette. Select and present fabric swatches to the Costume Designer. Provide sketches, pull costumes from rental houses, and assist with fittings.

Costume Illustrator

Bring ideas to life. Work with research to capture a time period and make presentation/mood boards and two-dimensional color illustrations that communicate both the costume and the character.


There are three types of Costumers:

Dress the stars. The Key Costumer oversees daily preparations during the prep period and principal photography. Work with the Costume Supervisor on breakdown, budget, and the fittings schedule.

Ready, set, action. The Set Costumer delivers costumes to and from the set, keeps the continuity book, and is on set with the actors to make sure they are always camera-ready.

In the field. The Shopper sources costumes and supplies, staying in contact with the set to make sure they have everything they need.


Create an image. Pull and provide looks for commercials, music videos, and still photo shoots. Work on set with photographers, directors, and talent.