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Business Management


The following are the required courses for this major. Students who attend Orientation and meet with the Education Department can obtain personalized academic counseling to complete the program. Transfer credits, changes in curriculum, and other factors may affect the academic plan for individual students. The FIDM Education Department can provide additional information.


Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree from FIDM, or an Associates degree in a related field (business administration, marketing, entrepreneurship, or a related field) from another accredited college or university. Other requirements may apply.

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

BUMT 3050
Data Analytics For Business Applications
This course explores the use of information technology, information resources, and management information literacy in todays business world. Students learn how to identify, acquire, analyze, and evaluate timely and accurate information from electronic sources.
BUMT 3100
Ethics in Business+
This course addresses the importance of ethical issues and the financial impact on business performance and ownership. The costs and consequences of failing to act ethically are explored. Students learn strategies to solve real life dilemmas. Students explore the importance of ethics as a dimension of social responsibility and business ethics in the global economy.
BUMT 3230
Introduction To Business Management
This course presents an introduction to management concepts and strategies used by modern businesses, and is designed to familiarize students with the accepted standards, procedures, and techniques employed by senior, middle, and operational managers. It provides students with an understanding of the financial impact of management and how to plan to optimize performance and achieve organizational goals.
BUMT 3250
Introduction To Financial Accounting
Students study the accounting cycle through financial statements, understanding inventory controls, tangible and intangible assets, and budgets. This course covers the role accounting plays in business forecasting and decision making. The student gains an understanding of assets and liabilities, revenue and expenses, debits and credits, accruals, depreciation, constructing a financial statement, and accounting cycles.
BUMT 3420
Applied Financial Accounting
A continuation of accounting analysis and understanding, as applied in the corporate world, this course gives students experience with the accounting cycle, sales journal, accounts receivable ledger, accounts payable ledger, cash receipts journal, cash payment journal, and income statement and balance sheet statements. Prerequisite: BUMT 3300A or BUMT 3250
BUMT 3650
Human Resource Management
This course explores organizational structure and how it impacts behavior. Students develop an understanding of what it means to be a leader of change, and the critical importance to financial performance in doing so. Students review job design, managing career development, the value of performance appraisal, compensation and reward, safety and health laws, and the economics of good organizational management. Prerequisite: BUMT 4840
BUMT 3680
Global Marketing Communications
This course provides a foundation of knowledge necessary to create strategic communications plans that will support a product or service in todays competitive marketplace. Students participate in a learning forum environment whereby original ideas and assignments are presented, discussed, and critiqued by the class. This course provides students with a framework of how to enter foreign markets. Prerequisite: BUMT 4600
BUMT 3820
Business Law+
Students develop an understanding of corporate formation and procedures, limited liability companies and special business forms. This course examines social, ethical, and political implications of law and its application to business transactions as well as intellectual property law.
BUMT 3950
Managerial Accounting
Managerial Accounting is concerned with the provisions and use of accounting information by managers within organizations to provide the basis to make informed business decisions for strategic planning in their management and control functions. In contrast to financial accounting information, managerial accounting information is primarily forward-looking and predictive instead of historical. It is designed to support decision making and intended for use by managers within the organization, instead of being intended for use by shareholders, creditors, and public regulators. Prerequisite: BUMT 3300B or BUMT 3420
BUMT 4100
Small Business Management+
A study of how small businesses can manage the unique challenges they face and how they can achieve and maintain a competitive advantage, this course involves feasibility analysis and addresses issues of small business ownership and management, strategic planning, financial planning, marketing for competitive advantage, the economics of pricing, and break-even analysis. Prerequisite: BUMT 4200 or BUMT 4230
BUMT 4230
Introduction To Financial Analysis & Control
This course is an introduction to the concepts of financial analysis, and the understanding and preparation of balance sheets and income statements, with a focus on the needs of the financial manager or the entrepreneur. The students are exposed to financial reporting and analysis, reading and understanding an annual report, accounting information systems, the corporate income statement, understanding the use of accounting information, and the financial statements in assessing financial performance. Prerequisite: BUMT 3950
BUMT 4250
Supply Chain Management+
In this course, students acquire a basic overview of the legal import and export strategies, structures and responsibilities of being in business, with emphasis on principles and practical applications of contract negotiations, business activity, and commercial liability. Prerequisite: BUMT 3720
BUMT 4300
Global Management Strategies+
A study of techniques of analyzing and responding to the social, ethical, and political challenges that face managers, this course promotes an understanding of global trends in international political policies, risk management, conflict resolution, tariffs, and issues of nationalism. Students analyze legal issues and risks in international business, including trade policy, taxation policy, government intervention, monetary policy, capital flows and foreign investment, banking policy, wage and price controls, property rights, and regulatory attitudes. Ethics and social responsibilities in international management are also studied. Prerequisites: BUMT 3720 or BUMT 4460A
BUMT 4460A
Case Studies In Business Management I: Analysis & Control
This course is a study and analysis of success and failure in todays business environment with emphasis on creating value through innovative management techniques. The students practice the strategic management process, building a competitive strategy, and implementing strategic plans. Formerly BUMT3720 Prerequisite: BUMT 3950
BUMT 4460B
Case Studies In Business Management II: Strategies For Growth
This course examines the offensive and defensive strategies that successful managers take to gain market share and improve profitability. Emphasis is on strategy and tactics including innovations that could drive a profitable business model for the firm. The students consider such areas as market analysis, competition, competitive advantage, and marketing strategy. This course examines the critical tasks, pitfalls, and hurdles which must be understood to be successful, and tools for risk minimization. Prerequisites: BUMT 4200 or BUMT 4230
BUMT 4460C
Case Studies In Business Management III: Capstone Presentation
This course helps students to understand the issues and problems faced by management in larger corporations, preparing students for successful employment. It analyzes various operational management tools and styles, studies in leadership, managements changing landscape in todays global economy, making decisions and solving problems, case studies, designing effective organizations, and fundamentals of organizational control. Prerequisite: BUMT 4200 or BUMT 4230
BUMT 4500
International Finance
Within the context of the multinational firm, this course examines the development of policy options for financing international business, with focus on management decisions that maximize the firms value. Prerequisite: BUMT 4200
BUMT 4600
Marketing Management+
This course focuses on the management of the marketing function to achieve a competitive advantage and establish brand equity. Students explore creative strategies for entrepreneurs to develop consumer awareness. Prerequisite: BUMT 3600 or BUMT 3230
BUMT 4840
Studies in Leadership+
Students explore leadership theories, the characteristics that define effective leaders, and develop the ability to navigate corporate culture as a follower and as a leader. They explore the processes whereby an individual empowers or influences a group of people for the purpose of achieving a (common) goal. They analyze the characteristics of leadership vs. management, and develop an awareness of how diversity impacts leadership.
BUMT 4910
Creativity in Business+
This course explores all of the elements that are necessary to succeed in a business venture. An advanced overview focusing on the business plan, the organization and support team, the marketing plan, process management, cash planning and working capital management, quality, service and ethics, and growth strategies. Prerequisites: BUMT 4100
GNST 2370
Applied Statistics+
This course emphasizes the understanding and application of statistical methodology. Major topics include descriptive statistics, probability, sampling, inferences of sampling, means and proportions,measures of central tendency, correlation, regression,hypothesis testing, and methods for displaying,describing, and producing data. Technology applications facilitate in-class activities.
GNST 2530
Principles of Kinesiology+
The emphasis of this course is to scientifically examine the musculoskeletal and physiological systems of the body in motion and at rest. The principles of biochemical, pulmonary, and circulatory systems related to movement and exercise and the contemporary issues of neuromuscular health are investigated.
GNST 2530L
Principles of Kinesiology Lab+
This lab includes field excursions, observation journals, and interviews with practitioners in the field of kinesiology, including physical therapists, sports medicine physicians, and professional trainers.
GNST 2570
Through the study of classical economic principles, students develop a framework for analyzing economic variables and their effects on individuals, business organizations, and economics. Using graphs and models, students also explore and apply fundamental economic concepts such as supply and demand, competition and monopoly, and profit maximization.
GNST 2630
Principles of Chemistry+
Students study the fundamental principles of chemistry and their applications. The relationships between atomic particles and their effect on bonding, chemical reactions, and matter are explored.
GNST 2870
Students study the global economy and the ways in which changing economic conditions shape local, national, and international policy decisions. They apply classical and contemporary economic theory to achieve an understanding of past and current world events in light of the many economic variables that exist. Prerequisite: GNST 2570
GNST 3000
World Political History+
This global survey traces the quest for independence and prosperity on the part of emerging economies around the world after World War II. The course examines the varying fortunes of countries as they encountered the crucial questions of political organization, state control, and personal freedom from 1945 to the present. It also examines the issue of environmental sustainability in the face of pressures posed by population, industrialization, and consumerism.
GNST 3050
Writing for Business Professionals+
This course explores the principles and strategies of effective written professional communication in the context of the global workplace, current and emerging technologies, and contemporary issues. Students apply sound communication, analysis, and research techniques to the composition of a professional bio, memos, formal reports, and other forms of business communication. The connection between skillful communication, critical thinking, and decision-making is also stressed.
GNST 3400
Social Psychology+
A course that examines social psychology and how the behaviors, thoughts, and emotions of individuals are created and modified by the social and cultural conditions in which they live. Issues of social influence, cooperation and conflict, conformity, perception, change, and leadership are explored.
GNST 3500
Professional Presentation+
A course in effective organizational communication, with emphasis on advanced oral communication skills, including interviewing. Students examine the dynamics of individual and group communication as preparation for full-scaled, business-specific informative and persuasive speeches, in which they use computer technology, visual aids, and statistical data to enhance the impact and clarity of their presentations.
GNST 3900
Issues in Contemporary Society+
A General Studies capstone course addressing current issues in social diversity, globalization, business ethics, and civic responsibility. Students combine critical analysis, scientific inquiry, and technological skill to research and prepare a clear written and oral presentation on a challenging, advanced question of their own choosing.
Total Units of Credit: 91

+ Available as an online (distance learning) course