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Beauty Marketing & Product Development

A.A. Curriculum

The following are the required courses for this major. Students who attend Orientation and meet with the Education Department can obtain personalized academic counseling to complete the program. Transfer credits, changes in curriculum, and other factors may affect the academic plan for individual students. The FIDM Education Department can provide additional information.

Associate of Arts (A.A.)

BUAD 2850
This course explores what it takes to launch a new venture, both as an entrepreneur and an employee. Students develop a business plan, including identifying opportunities and establishing objectives, matching customer profile to site locations, analyzing competitors practices, and developing a competitive marketing mix. Students also learn the necessary business establishment requirements and financial projections to secure capital or financing to initiate their business venture. Prerequisites: COSM 2380, COSM 2450, SMED 2750
BUMT 2800
This course covers the role accounting statistics plays in business forecasting and decision making. The role of accounting in business is to provide information for managers to use in operating the business. It provides information to allow the assessment of the businesss economic performance. Accounting can be considered to be the language of business." In this course, students demonstrate the ability to prepare and read financial statements, and use this information to analyze business financial transactions applying the basic accounting equations. The students gain an understanding of assets and liabilities, revenue and expenses, debits and credits, accruals, depreciation, and the construction of a financial statement. The course demonstrates and explains the value of hypothesis testing.
COSM 2150
Beauty: Fundamentals of Skin Care & Wellness
An in-depth overview of skincare, spa, body care, hair care, and nail care and their roles in the competitive marketplace. Students explore alternative wellness modalities, product and distribution strategies and product positioning as well as the impact of innovative formulas and current trends that enable students to grasp the complexity of the categories.
COSM 2250
Beauty: Brand Imaging
Students look in-depth at the history of the beauty industry as they analyze the strategies and tactics of in-depth brand development necessary to building successful beauty product lines. They examine the power of written word, image, concept, positioning, and trends as the means of establishing powerful communications that build brand loyalty and brand equity, as well as the importance of consumer motivation, perceived quality, association, and delivery to their target market. Development of written marketing materials is emphasized.
COSM 2350
Beauty: Fundamentals of Fragrance
This introductory class explores the ever-evolving technology of essential oil extraction, the artistry of blending multiple scents, and the growing use of synthetic essences. Students learn to evaluate fragrances as they develop their individual scents, and discover the fascinating history of perfume and its synergy with the world of fashion and beauty.
COSM 2380
Beauty: Business Operations
This course educates students in the business operation skills that are imperative for managerial advancement. Topics include inventory management, forecasting, production planning, project management, and quality control. Students gain an understanding of the relationship of these components to a successful organization. Prerequisite: COSM 2450
COSM 2450
Beauty: Fundamentals of Cosmetics
In this course, students follow the process of creating color cosmetics from identifying target markets and distribution channels to establishing concept, product positioning, packaging and promotion. The course also explores the influences of trends, sustainability and competition on cosmetics innovation and commercialization. Hands-on projects demonstrate the processes involved in quality assurance and reinforce the use of industry terminology in research and development.
COSM 2500
Beauty: Promotion & Presentation
Students examine the ways in which the varied techniques of promotion, advertising, public relations, visual merchandising, and special events contribute to success in the beauty industry. They also gain practical knowledge of these techniques by developing and presenting event ideas, execute event plans, and analyze results for impact and reach. Prerequisites: COSM 2250
COSM 2580
Beauty: Current Industry Topics
This course focuses on researching emerging beauty trends to identify those that will drive change and influence strategy long-term. Students are tasked with creating a product and marketing/sales strategy to target an underserved consumer base. Oral defense of the final project requires a high level of expertise on topic and objectives, encourages ability to articulate more complex marketing concepts, and provides exposure to alternative ways of communicating thinking. Prerequisite: COSM 2250
COSM 2620
Principles of Beauty Science
Students gain an understanding of the principles of chemistry and their vital importance to beauty technology. They examine the complex process of product development from raw materials and ingredients to formulations, applications, and finished products. Students then apply what they have learned to actual on-site product development. They also study the legal, regulatory, and technological standards governing beauty products.
COSM 2830
Package Development & Production
In this course, students explore concept development, product positioning, creative adaptation, and technological challenges. Practical applications of these concepts are applied towards a course project. Prerequisite: COSM 2350
COSM 2920
Beauty: Global Business
This course explores the complexities associated with international trade and investment including the global monetary system, business strategies, structure and operations as well as differences in political, economic, and social systems. Students learn to appreciate different countries and cultures as well as ethical issues and dilemmas. Through case studies and international business models, students understand the strategic development and management of a global brand. Prerequisites: COSM 2380
GNST 1040
English Composition
In this process-oriented course, students combine deep, disciplined research with careful writing and revision to produce a thoughtful, creative, and personally meaningful research essay. They learn to formulate focused research questions, identify and investigate credible sources, and synthesize expert opinion with their own insight in support of a clearly defined, complex thesis. The emphasis is on curiosity, exploration, and discovery. As part of the process, students also gain confidence and competency in two primary areas of written expression: organization and mechanics.
GNST 1230
Color & Design Theory
An introductory study of the principles and elements of color and design theory. Students critique aspects of a visual representation by analyzing the components of design and the use of color by the artist.
GNST 1450
College Mathematics
This course explores financial and consumer math, the geometry of flat and 3-dimensional spaces, and the basics of statistical analysis. Integrating mathematical equations and concepts in the context of problem solving and discovery, students complete projects and assignments demonstrating the effective use of quantitative tools to support their conclusions.
GNST 1600
Effective Speaking
A course in oral communication designed to give students poise, speaking confidence, and the ability to develop and produce a focused, well-organized speech that holds the audiences attention through effective delivery methods. Presentational skills and audience-centered communication are emphasized.
GNST 1620
The Creative Process
This course explores the science of creativity and emphasizes a psychological and socio-cultural approach. Students analyze and develop their own creative process through a quarter-long design project.
GNST 1650
Critical Thinking
Designed to foster independent thinking, this course strengthens students capacity to reason clearly, critically, and creatively, including the ability (1) to analyze the arguments of others, (2) to synthesize effective arguments of their own, and (3) to solve problems skillfully. Students also gain experience in reading closely and conducting purposeful, imaginative research skills essential to the examination of demanding social, moral, political, and personal issues.
GNST 1900
Professional Skills
This course facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the tools and techniques necessary to effectively navigate the complexities of the job market. Students explore critical components of employment in order to prepare for their job search; the ultimate result is placement in their desired career. Students learn how to build a meaningful resume, navigate career sites, including FIDM Career Network and LinkedIn, effectively research desired industry and organizations, and perfect interviewing techniques and skills. This is a Pass/Fail class necessary for FIDM graduation. In addition to nine (9) hours of class workcomprised of three consecutive classes, three (3) hours eachstudents should be prepared for an additional three (3) hours of homework for each of the three weeks.
GNST 2430
Perspectives in Diversity -OR-
This course examines the subtle and overt ways in which society marginalizes and discriminates against groups of people including, but not limited to, racial, cultural and ethnic groups, religious groups, women, the elderly, persons with disabilities (including physical and mental challenges), gender fluidity and LGBTQIA+. Students will not only study the historical realities, institutions, and a legal system that have enabled discrimination to continue, they will delve into the roots of hatred, fear and bias, the very foundations of prejudice and discrimination, in order to become conscious of and active in their own contributions to a more just and inclusive society.
GNST 2960
American Political & Economic History
A survey of American history from 1930-2000. Emphasis is on the political and economic features, both domestic and foreign, that contributed to the emergence of the welfare state and the nations rise to global leadership after World War II. The course provides an understanding of the Great Depression, the Second World War, the Cold War, Americas eventual emergence as the worlds only superpower, and the interrelation of all these factors.
GRPH 1000
Beginning Adobe
This course inspires and push beginning designers to learn the fundamentals of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Through hands-on projects, students learn the digital tools to bring their visions to life. In practical application, students understand the difference between a vector and raster image as well as the proper workflows and digital hygiene within the Adobe Creative Suite.
MMKT 1550
Marketing & Brand Development
This course introduces and highlights the basic marketing principles which provide the framework for understanding the importance, value, and impact of marketing and brand management.
MMKT 1650
Consumer Behavior and Research
A course that examines the sociological and psychological variables that shape the consumer decision-making process. Students explore a variety of methodology and research techniques for understanding consumers wants and needs, attitude formation, purchase motivation, and consideration, as well as maximizing satisfaction and consumer loyalty. Prerequisites: MMKT 1550, MMKT 2880
MMKT 2780
Integrated Marketing Communications
In this advanced marketing course, students explore creative message strategies including: traditional and new media, public relations, and other innovative means of communication. Applying these techniques, they create an effective integrated marketing communications campaign that meets the challenges posed by promoting in a sophisticated, rapidly evolving marketplace. Prerequisites: COSM 2250, SMED 2880, MMKT 2420
MRCH 1450
Concepts in Trend Forecasting
An introduction to the concepts behind professional trend forecasting. Students learn to understand the fundamentals of the trend forecasting research process through the analysis of current events, social and cultural influences, and industry observation. Emphasis is placed on interpreting research into viable macro trends. Prerequisites: MRCH 1420, MRCH 1750
MRCH 1550
The Retail Environment
This course explores store and non-store retailing formats, structure, purpose, as well as the challenges and integration of retail channels. Students gain an understanding of the retail industry and are exposed to todays global environment. They are introduced to franchising, licensing, branding, and pertinent retail terminology. Career paths and opportunities in the fashion industry are further defined and explored. Prerequisite: MRCH 1100
MRCH 1920
Applied Digital Communications
Students integrate their knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign to create effective digital campaigns for the marketing and merchandising of apparel, footwear and accessories. Emphasis is on innovation and concept design explorations enhanced by computer-aided applications Prerequisite: GRPH 1000
MRCH 1950
Excel for Business Applications
This course is designed to assist the student in developing a facility with electronic spreadsheets in support of effective business management. Students develop a working knowledge of computerized spreadsheet and chart functions as applied to business management concepts with related mathematical formulas and operational requirements.
MRCH 2810
Sustainability & Social Responsibility
Introduces students to the concept, history, and science of sustainability and its relationship to the business of ethical fashion. Coursework topics focus on the development of eco-friendly materials, responsible manufacturing and distribution, and how companies are integrating social responsibility for the environment into their corporate philosophy and business practices. Prerequisites: COSM 2380, MMKT 2460, MPDV 2400, MRCH 2420, SMED 2750
SMED 1100
Introduction to Social Media
This course introduces students to the history, theory, and technology of social media. Students explore the different social media outlets and have hands-on experience with social media technology. Students learn how to use this new media productively, and have a framework for understanding and evaluating social media platforms
SMED 2750
E-Commerce Marketing
Students learn how to create a successful online business. Through class lecture and industry speakers students learn how to navigate e-commerce applications including document automation, domestic and international payment systems, online banking, and shopping cart software. Prerequisites: MRCH 1950, MPDV 2820
Total Units of Credit: 90